Online Safety

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Online Safety – Be Aware

We tell our children to share but online it’s different. In fact, sometimes sharing online can be dangerous. That’s why we’re asking parents to be Share Aware and keep children safe online.

Below we have offered two links to websites created by the NSPCC with advice on helping your child to stay safe on social networks, apps and games.


It’s never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren’t with us, and sometimes even when are, if we don’t know what’s happening on their devices. Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? If you need help to find some answers, don’t despair…


UK Safer Internet Centre

South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL), as a partner within the UK Safer Internet Centre, has launched a new online reporting tool for abusive and harmful content, which you may find useful and want to share with children in your school/setting and their parents/carers. ‘Report harmful content online’ is a reporting and advice system for online issues relating to: bullying; harassment; impersonation; pornographic content; suicide; self-harm; threats; unwanted sexual advances; violent conduct.

For further information on this new national service:

For reporting harmful online content:

Looking after the digital wellbeing

Childnet International has produced guidance for parents and carers on looking after the digital wellbeing of children and young people, which you may find useful and want to share with your parents/carers and/or put on your school’s website. The guidance includes having an awareness of how being online can make children and young people feel, and how they can look after themselves and others when online. The guidance includes: age specific information for 3-7 year olds, 7-11 year olds, 11-14 year olds and 14-18 year olds, about how children and young people are interacting with the internet; top tips to support young people at this age; and ideas to help start a conversation about digital wellbeing.

The guidance can be accessed via

New Safer Internet Links:

Website links:

73% of four year olds use computers with 41% doing so every day – 25% have their own tablet”  with this in mind we really need to be vigilant regarding what our children are viewing.  Here are a few websites which offer helpful advice regarding online safety for you as well as your children.